In the film "Skinned", directed by American actress Lisaraye Mccoy and set to premiere in 2015, Van Vicker takes on the role of a businessman who only has an interest in light-skinned women.
He marries a woman who deceives him to believe that she’s light skinned, but it turns out she’s been bleaching. She tries to hide her embarrassing secret by lying that she suffers from vitiligo, hiding her baby pictures, and even goes so far as to not wanting to give birth to ensure no one finds out.
The synopsis from the site reads as follows:
“Jolie is now married to Michael, an African business tycoon with a flair for light-skinned women. So in love with his wife, Michael never bothers to ask why she doesn’t have any pictures of herself when she was a child. When he questions her about the appearance of her skin at times, she lies and says that she has vitiligo. After 4 years of marriage, Jolie has not gotten pregnant. In an attempt to find out why, disturbing news turns their marriage in an uproar that ultimately could lead to death. Devastated about the news, Michael’s world is turned upside down and he begins spending lots of time outside of the home. Thinking that he’s having an affair, Jolie enters into a deep depression."
Things begin to unravel when Jolie’s depression gets worse and Michael suggests that she sees a psychiatrist, Dr. Smith, a renowned psychiatrist in the Atlanta area. A beautiful, confident, dark-skinned sister whose ambition is to make partner at the practice where she works. Dr. Smith’s only solace is the awesome husband that she has at home. His encouragement and love for Dr. Smith is impeccable and very special.
Through counseling, a wonderful friendship develops between Jolie and Dr. Smith, as Dr. Smith assists Jolie in realizing her issues and insecurities with skin color. Dr. Smith takes her to a dark place in her life where she discovers how and why she has ended up in a place of darkness and sadness.”
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